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European elections: Government could face court action after hundreds of EU citizens ‘denied vote’, experts warn

A barrister who specialises in EU law claimed there were multiple breaches of EU treaties, including Article 20 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union which states that EU nationals have “the right to vote…under the same conditions as nationals of that state [of residence].” Anneli Howard told The Guardian: “If EU citizens are being asked to fill out additional forms that UK nationals are not, that’s discrimination.” While Ms Howard said she did not think it was likely any judge would declare council clerical errors had made the election unsafe, she added that the treaty had “direct effect” and meant EU citizens could go straight to court.

The Independent - May 23, 2019

View the full story here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/european-elections-vote-eu-citizens-problems-court-action-a8928071.html