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Most Canadians want to keep flexible workplace, but many worry remote work will hinder career: survey

Canadians are eager to make remote work part of their post-pandemic lives, but many are concerned that being away from the office will limit their career opportunities, according to a new study. In a survey conducted by Angus Reid for Cisco Canada, nearly half of the 1,012 respondents — 46 per cent — expect those who go back to in-person work will have more opportunities for career growth than those who continue to work remotely. That concern is even more pronounced among younger employees, with 56 per cent of those in the 18-34 age range worried about the impact on their career.

CBC.ca - October 28, 2021

View the full story here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/work-from-home-flexibility-job-security-1.6228026