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Despite presenting many challenges, pandemic-era remote learning also helped parents better understand their child’s ability and focus, as well as gain more appreciation for the work of teachers

Home schooling, together with office closures, were a seismic adjustment for all involved. Suddenly everyone was home for months on end, living, working and playing together. Emerging research shows that many children have benefited from having more time with their parents and siblings. Learning online from home, although less than ideal for some households, also provided helpful insights. Parents gained a much better understanding of their children’s academic capabilities, including their ability to focus, retain information and follow instructions. The outcome is that many children received extra support where they may have fallen behind in other circumstances, while parents gained greater appreciation for the work of teachers.

South China Morning Post - July 11, 2022

View the full story here: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education/article/3183496/despite-presenting-many-challenges-pandemic-era-remote