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Experts say Canadians permanently working from home should expect salary changes

When Mark Zuckerberg hosted a townhall in late May with Facebook‘s 48,000 employees, some were tuning in from new cities they had scrambled to move to as the pandemic hit. Zuckerberg had a clear message for them: if you plan to stay, expect a change to your pay. “That means if you live in a location where the cost of living is dramatically lower, or the cost of labour is lower, then salaries do tend to be somewhat lower in those places,” he said on the video conference, where he announced more employees would be allowed to work remotely permanently. Zuckerberg gave Canadian and American workers until Jan. 1, 2021 to inform the company about their location, so it can properly complete taxes and accounting and use virtual private network checks to confirm staff are where they claim.

Global News - June 21, 2020

View the full story here: https://globalnews.ca/news/7090216/coroanvirus-salary-changes/