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Viruses do not take breaks. The world can learn from how the DRC is beating Ebola

The Ebola outbreak in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has ended. Thursday marked 42 days since the last person with Ebola was discharged from care, double the maximum length of time it takes for symptoms to appear. Nearly two years of hard work and leadership by the communities in DRC has paid off, with the end of the first Ebola outbreak in a conflict zone. It’s a time for celebration but not complacency. Viruses do not take breaks. DRC’s 10th Ebola outbreak may have come to a close but an 11th, in the north-west part of the country, was detected on 1 June. Cases are appearing 240km away from Mbandaka, the centre of this latest outbreak.

The Guardian - June 25, 2020

View the full story here: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/jun/25/viruses-do-not-take-breaks-heres-what-the-world-can-learn-from-how-the-drc-beat-ebola?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX0Jlc3RPZkd1YXJkaWFuT3BpbmlvblVTLTIwMDYyNg==&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=opinionus_email&utm_campaign=BestOfGuardianOpinionUS