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Good news for travel enthusiasts as Cuba finally welcomes tourists after months of COVID-19 lockdown

The countries have finally started lifting the nationwide lockdowns amid COVID-19 pandemic to boost the tourism industry and the latest to join the bandwagon is Cuba as it now welcomes travellers. Rolling out its red carpet for tourists post the COVID-19 lockdown, the news came as a ray of hope not just for travel enthusiasts but also for several laid-off leisure industry employees residing in the Communist-run island. Similar to the rest of the world, Cuba had too closed its airports in March courtesy COVID-19 and decided to open from September 4. On Friday, an Air Canada plane arrived at the Cayo-Coco airport on the northcentral coast and is now expected to fly weekly to Cuba and biweekly from next month.

Hindustan Times - September 7, 2020

View the full story here: https://www.hindustantimes.com/travel/good-news-for-travel-enthusiasts-as-cuba-finally-welcomes-tourists-after-months-of-covid-19-lockdown/story-xA8aifrxhn35bJFJtdaC0L.html