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How Remote Working Can Transform Small Town Life

As remote working has boomed during COVID-19, the rise in the number of people working from home has prompted many to reconsider where they wish to live. It's causing what new research from the University of Utah refers to as 'Zoom Towns', which are places that have experienced a flood of remote workers fleeing cities to seek a quieter, often greener existence, and 'commuting' to work electronically. 'This trend was already happening, but amenity migration into these communities has been expedited and it can have destructive consequences if not planned for and managed. Many of these places are, as some people say, at risk of being loved to death,' the researchers explain.

Forbes - November 8, 2020

View the full story here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adigaskell/2020/11/06/how-remote-working-can-transform-small-town-life/