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"Test One" 2nd Oct 2019

Tweeted: RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of th...
RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of their hard work with @NASA @Commercial_Crew and their commitment to return hu…
Tweeted: RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of th...
RT @elonmusk: Just leaving SpaceX Starship build site in Boca https://t.co/Bqt40mSdX4
Tweeted: RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of th...
RT @DavidLogan2020: Elon Musk unveils new SpaceX rocket Starship for private-round trips to moon and Mars - Sky News https://t.co/dgNF8plJb6
Tweeted: RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of th...
Звездолеты SpaceX будут совершать посадку на воду: Илон Маск рассказал о планах компании https://t.co/Bcj0LDmhmT
Tweeted: RT @spacecoast_stve: Hollywood and @SpaceX droneship, Of Course ...
RT @spacecoast_stve: Hollywood and @SpaceX droneship, Of Course I Still Love You, sailed into @PortCanaveral this morning at about 9am EDT.…
Tweeted: RT @CKBonestell: For our .02 followers that don't know, #SpaceX ...
RT @CKBonestell: For our .02 followers that don't know, #SpaceX unveiled more details about their #Starship on Saturday. Here's a recap vid…
Tweeted: RT @CKBonestell: For our .02 followers that don't know, #SpaceX ...
RT @RDAnglePhoto: Can we get another #FalconHeavy please? Such an awesome launch experience! Have a great weekend everyone! #SpaceX Remembe…
Tweeted: RT @CKBonestell: For our .02 followers that don't know, #SpaceX ...
RT @elonmusk: @OranMaliphant @Erdayastronaut @AngelNDevil2 @MarkChica @FutureJurvetson @bluemoondance74 @SpaceX That’s about right, except…
Tweeted: RT @julia_bergeron: The booster has arrived to Cape Canaveral ??...
RT @julia_bergeron: The booster has arrived to Cape Canaveral ???? @SpaceX https://t.co/oYwHNMwurs
Tweeted: @CzarekKukowka @duchu0 okurła, dobrze, że NASA czy spacex nie ...
@CzarekKukowka @duchu0 okurła, dobrze, że NASA czy spacex nie wychodzą z podobnego założenia, bo zamiast lotek raki… https://t.co/P38tNaOgdT
Tweeted: RT @RTonline_ar: مع إيلون ماسك و"SpaceX" يبدو أ...
RT @RTonline_ar: مع إيلون ماسك و"SpaceX" يبدو أن الفضاء أقرب إلينا مما نتخيل! ذهابا وإيابا للقمر أو المريخ في مركبة "رحلات" فضائية خاصة.. ش…
Tweeted: Love u girl not with on this one. If they earned it, why not as ...
Love u girl not with on this one. If they earned it, why not as long as they paid their fair share of taxes... Ima… https://t.co/pFBBB0AGsF
Tweeted: @elonmusk @AngelNDevil2 @MarkChica @FutureJurvetson @bluemoondan...
@elonmusk @AngelNDevil2 @MarkChica @FutureJurvetson @bluemoondance74 @SpaceX Can this “secondary” structure potenti… https://t.co/Tm0zrDI5mU
Tweeted: https://t.co/UpemdkLW7W...
Tweeted: RT @JaneidyEve: @elonmusk @justpaulinelol @KeithMansfield @Erday...
RT @JaneidyEve: @elonmusk @justpaulinelol @KeithMansfield @Erdayastronaut Elon, can @austinbarnard45 and me pls have a pass to view SpaceX…
Tweeted: Starship, la nave de Musk para viajar a Marte - https://t.co/5EM...
Starship, la nave de Musk para viajar a Marte - https://t.co/5EMyieWndE, cortesía de SpaceX (Twitter)El fundador de… https://t.co/BF4B1JyWWj
Tweeted: Starship, la nave de Musk para viajar a Marte - https://t.co/5EM...
Starship, la nave de Musk para viajar a Marte - https://t.co/5EMyieWndE, cortesía de SpaceX (Twitter)El fundador de… https://t.co/BF4B1JyWWj
Tweeted: RT @jackiewattles: Do not miss @RachCrane’s amazing interview ...
RT @jackiewattles: Do not miss @RachCrane’s amazing interview with Elon Musk about Starship. Come for the valuable insight into SpaceX’s pr…
Tweeted: New US spacecraft to conduct first manned flights to ISS in 2020...
New US spacecraft to conduct first manned flights to ISS in 2020 says Roscosmos Chief https://t.co/BSVID40MT9 (Spu… https://t.co/SI0UN55rtn
Tweeted: RT @Fredzone: SpaceX : Elon Musk dévoile Starship, le vaisseau ...
RT @Fredzone: SpaceX : Elon Musk dévoile Starship, le vaisseau qui va nous emmener dans l’espace https://t.co/SAbVC8GPXc https://t.co/p3q5X…
Tweeted: @SpaceX When that thing kicks, it kicks!...
@SpaceX When that thing kicks, it kicks!
Tweeted: RT @flcnhvy: “We should take whatever steps we can to preserve...
RT @flcnhvy: “We should take whatever steps we can to preserve the light of consciousness. That window might not stay open for long. I thin…
Tweeted: Elon Musk unveils SpaceX Starship which will bring new age of sp...
Elon Musk unveils SpaceX Starship which will bring new age of space tourism in SIX months https://t.co/FZYAs0eltt https://t.co/yjzV19WzIe
Tweeted: @elonmusk take me to mars.#OccupyMars @SpaceX #SpaceX...
@elonmusk take me to mars.#OccupyMars @SpaceX #SpaceX
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: NASA awards $43.2M to Blue Origin, SpaceX and others for tech to...
NASA awards $43.2M to Blue Origin, SpaceX and others for tech to take us to the Moon and Mars - TechCrunch… https://t.co/vxwk6il6lA
Tweeted: RT @vivvchy: Spacex Autonomous droneship OCISLY arrives at Port ...
RT @vivvchy: Spacex Autonomous droneship OCISLY arrives at Port Canaveral https://t.co/r8PMWBAcy5
Tweeted: “Lost a part Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing …” #Spac...
“Lost a part Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing …” #SpaceX https://t.co/ISzxuZ2ao4 https://t.co/ZCXtAlB35P
Tweeted: SpaceX has published a new webpage dedicated to the next-generat...
SpaceX has published a new webpage dedicated to the next-generation Starship launch vehicle and its Super Heavy boo… https://t.co/wKb3cfsEL9
Tweeted: RT @jafbm57: SpaceX has published a new webpage dedicated to the...
RT @jafbm57: SpaceX has published a new webpage dedicated to the next-generation Starship launch vehicle and its Super Heavy booster, detai…
Tweeted: RT @techinsider: Elon Musk unveils @SpaceX's Starship rocket and...
RT @techinsider: Elon Musk unveils @SpaceX's Starship rocket and future plan for Mars https://t.co/4yPHmiSppJ
Tweeted: RT @SpaceX: Ahead of our in-flight abort test for @Commercial_Cr...
RT @SpaceX: Ahead of our in-flight abort test for @Commercial_Crew—which will demonstrate Crew Dragon's ability to safely carry astronauts…
Tweeted: We've got to admit, that rocket looks good ! https://t.co/qEbw4...
We've got to admit, that rocket looks good ! https://t.co/qEbw4D3i8d
Tweeted: @KreeLavan @torybruno @thejackbeyer @NASA SpaceX isnt double the...
@KreeLavan @torybruno @thejackbeyer @NASA SpaceX isnt double the price its the cheapest ULA isnt double its about 10x
Tweeted: RT @spacemike: This is what you call space exploration progress ...
RT @spacemike: This is what you call space exploration progress at the speed of SpaceX! #SpaceX #Starship #KSC #NASA #Space #Moon #Mars h…
Tweeted: RT @SpaceX: Starhopper flight test drone footage https://t.co/il...
RT @SpaceX: Starhopper flight test drone footage https://t.co/ilvALgrpCo
Tweeted: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket a...
SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8UKwxxYLY
Tweeted: RT @Kyle_M_Photo: The crane is now retracted and it appears work...
RT @Kyle_M_Photo: The crane is now retracted and it appears work on Ms. Chief has finished, we now have two four armed boats to catch fairi…
Tweeted: RT @ElFinanciero_Mx: #OrgulloMexicano Este satélite permitirá ...
RT @ElFinanciero_Mx: #OrgulloMexicano Este satélite permitirá interconectar y transmitir datos a la constelación satelital 'Globalstar y se…
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: A glimpse into @SpaceX ‘s Starship rocket ???? https://t.co/86...
A glimpse into @SpaceX ‘s Starship rocket ???? https://t.co/866aF1MZSy
Tweeted: RT @BHTYJournal: Jin Wei, Purdue Prof & NASA Grant Award Win...
RT @BHTYJournal: Jin Wei, Purdue Prof & NASA Grant Award Winner, speaks at #ConV2X Oct 15 Hear about Medical Moonshots, Smart Spacecrafts a…
Tweeted: .@SpaceX publie une nouvelle page dédiée à #Starship : https:...
.@SpaceX publie une nouvelle page dédiée à #Starship : https://t.co/agxYEWdfPZ
Tweeted: Still waiting for a @Tesla version of this 80s classic ???? Hey ...
Still waiting for a @Tesla version of this 80s classic ???? Hey @elonmusk do it do it ???? #tesla #SpaceX https://t.co/tetAsZDZ1h
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: RT @ElFinanciero_Mx: #OrgulloMexicano Este satélite permitirá ...
RT @ElFinanciero_Mx: #OrgulloMexicano Este satélite permitirá interconectar y transmitir datos a la constelación satelital 'Globalstar y se…
Tweeted: RT @julia_bergeron: The booster has arrived to Cape Canaveral ??...
RT @julia_bergeron: The booster has arrived to Cape Canaveral ???? @SpaceX https://t.co/oYwHNMwurs
Tweeted: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage after Elon Musk’s ...
SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage after Elon Musk’s presentation https://t.co/HXa9tkoSD0
Tweeted: RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like Binary Planets ...
RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like Binary Planets , like Earth + this Moon(is actually a planet) ! @SpaceX @nasa @elonmusk @s…
Tweeted: @happyponik @Tesla @SpaceX нет....
@happyponik @Tesla @SpaceX нет.
Tweeted: RT @SpaceX: 11 years ago today, we launched our first successful...
RT @SpaceX: 11 years ago today, we launched our first successful mission. To date, we’ve completed 78 launches and have developed the world…
Tweeted: RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like binery Planets ...
RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like binery Planets add dwarf if you want I couldn't carelees ! Like how This Moon + Earth actu…
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: I had a cool idea, so I brought it to life on my 3D printer! A @...
I had a cool idea, so I brought it to life on my 3D printer! A @SpaceX landing pad QI wireless charger. Charges my… https://t.co/yoN7z3hSEL
Tweeted: RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of th...
RT @DavidLogan2020: Elon Musk unveils new SpaceX rocket Starship for private-round trips to moon and Mars - Sky News https://t.co/dgNF8plJb6
Tweeted: RT @SenRickScott: Great visit today to @SpaceX! I am proud of th...
Звездолеты SpaceX будут совершать посадку на воду: Илон Маск рассказал о планах компании https://t.co/Bcj0LDmhmT
Tweeted: RT @spacecoast_stve: Hollywood and @SpaceX droneship, Of Course ...
RT @spacecoast_stve: Hollywood and @SpaceX droneship, Of Course I Still Love You, sailed into @PortCanaveral this morning at about 9am EDT.…
Tweeted: @RDAnglePhoto @407Dank @SpaceX @elonmusk @45thSpaceWing @CanonUS...
@RDAnglePhoto @407Dank @SpaceX @elonmusk @45thSpaceWing @CanonUSA Wonderful!!! ????
Tweeted: @elonmusk @AngelNDevil2 @MarkChica @FutureJurvetson @bluemoondan...
@elonmusk @AngelNDevil2 @MarkChica @FutureJurvetson @bluemoondance74 @SpaceX Can this “secondary” structure potenti… https://t.co/Tm0zrDI5mU
Tweeted: https://t.co/UpemdkLW7W...
Tweeted: RT @JaneidyEve: @elonmusk @justpaulinelol @KeithMansfield @Erday...
RT @JaneidyEve: @elonmusk @justpaulinelol @KeithMansfield @Erdayastronaut Elon, can @austinbarnard45 and me pls have a pass to view SpaceX…
Tweeted: RT @PedroAraujo54: Comparison between 2017 & 2019 #starship ...
RT @PedroAraujo54: Comparison between 2017 & 2019 #starship models in 1:250 #spacex #ElonMusk #3Dprinting #3Dprint in #pla . Visit https://…
Tweeted: RT @Fredzone: SpaceX : Elon Musk dévoile Starship, le vaisseau ...
RT @Fredzone: SpaceX : Elon Musk dévoile Starship, le vaisseau qui va nous emmener dans l’espace https://t.co/SAbVC8GPXc https://t.co/p3q5X…
Tweeted: New US spacecraft to conduct first manned flights to ISS in 2020...
New US spacecraft to conduct first manned flights to ISS in 2020 says Roscosmos Chief https://t.co/BSVID40MT9 (Spu… https://t.co/SI0UN55rtn
Tweeted: @elonmusk take me to mars.#OccupyMars @SpaceX #SpaceX...
@elonmusk take me to mars.#OccupyMars @SpaceX #SpaceX
Tweeted: @NASASpaceflight I'm glad to hear it. I was really disappointed ...
@NASASpaceflight I'm glad to hear it. I was really disappointed to learn that NASA is more than a decade behind SpaceX
Tweeted: RT @flcnhvy: “We should take whatever steps we can to preserve...
RT @flcnhvy: “We should take whatever steps we can to preserve the light of consciousness. That window might not stay open for long. I thin…
Tweeted: Elon Musk unveils SpaceX Starship which will bring new age of sp...
Elon Musk unveils SpaceX Starship which will bring new age of space tourism in SIX months https://t.co/FZYAs0eltt https://t.co/yjzV19WzIe
Tweeted: RT @NASASpaceflight: SpaceX's Starship Prototype Mk1 keeping a c...
RT @NASASpaceflight: SpaceX's Starship Prototype Mk1 keeping a close eye on the ongoing construction work at the Boca Chica site. Photo fr…
Tweeted: RT @EastGlacierMT: Milestone Birthday today, 4am ep of #TheProfi...
RT @EastGlacierMT: Milestone Birthday today, 4am ep of #TheProfit; try Axe Throwing, & finish with a SpaceX rocket launch! A shoutout from…
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: I had a cool idea, so I brought it to life on my 3D printer! A @...
I had a cool idea, so I brought it to life on my 3D printer! A @SpaceX landing pad QI wireless charger. Charges my… https://t.co/yoN7z3hSEL
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like binery Planets ...
RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like binery Planets add dwarf if you want I couldn't carelees ! Like how This Moon + Earth actu…
Tweeted: RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like binery Planets ...
RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like binery Planets add dwarf if you want I couldn't carelees ! Like how This Moon + Earth actu…
Tweeted: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage after Elon Musk’s ...
SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage after Elon Musk’s presentation https://t.co/HXa9tkoSD0
Tweeted: RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like Binary Planets ...
RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Charon + Pluto are more like Binary Planets , like Earth + this Moon(is actually a planet) ! @SpaceX @nasa @elonmusk @s…
Tweeted: RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Europens ? io'ons ? Gadymeders? Callistians?...
RT @NiGHTMaRe1020M: Europens ? io'ons ? Gadymeders? Callistians? Tritonians? Titaners? Enceladusters ! Ceres(ians ? ons) ! Titanians ? Plut…
Tweeted: RT @julia_bergeron: The booster has arrived to Cape Canaveral ??...
RT @julia_bergeron: The booster has arrived to Cape Canaveral ???? @SpaceX https://t.co/oYwHNMwurs
Tweeted: .@SpaceX publie une nouvelle page dédiée à #Starship : https:...
.@SpaceX publie une nouvelle page dédiée à #Starship : https://t.co/agxYEWdfPZ
Tweeted: RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aimi...
RT @Teslarati: SpaceX publishes dedicated Starship webpage, aiming the rocket at the Moon, Mars, space stations, and more https://t.co/y8U…
Tweeted: .@SpaceX publie une nouvelle page dédiée à #Starship : https:...
.@SpaceX publie une nouvelle page dédiée à #Starship : https://t.co/agxYEWdfPZ
Tweeted: RT @BHTYJournal: Jin Wei, Purdue Prof & NASA Grant Award Win...
RT @BHTYJournal: Jin Wei, Purdue Prof & NASA Grant Award Winner, speaks at #ConV2X Oct 15 Hear about Medical Moonshots, Smart Spacecrafts a…