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Domestic violence calls for help surge 66% as coronavirus lockdown continues, U.K. charity says

The charity that runs Britain's national domestic abuse helpline, Refuge, says demand for its services since under the national coronavirus lockdown has continued to rise, with calls to its helpline jumping 66% since stay-at-home measures were implemented in March and visits to its website up 950%. 'The window for women experiencing domestic abuse to reach out for help is ordinarily very limited — with this window narrowing further when isolating with an abusive partner,' Refuge said in a statement. 'This spike in demand points to the sheer number of women affected.'

CBS News - May 27, 2020

View the full story here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/uk-domestic-violence-charity-huge-spike-calls-for-help-as-coronavirus-lockdown-continues/