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Nearly one-quarter of white evangelicals refuse COVID-19 vaccine: study

Almost one quarter of white evangelicals were refusing to take the coronavirus vaccine as of June, according to data released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute and Interfaith Youth Core. The two organizations have tracked vaccine hesitancy in different religious groups since March and saw double-digit increases among all faith groups from March to June. White evangelical Protestants remain the most likely to refuse to get the vaccine at 24 percent. White evangelical Protestants and Hispanic Protestants hit the bottom of the pack for agreeing to get vaccinated with both at 56 percent, a more than 10 point increase for both groups since March. The rate of vaccination has slowed in the U.S. as health officials struggle to overcome vaccine hesitancy.

The Hill - July 28, 2021

View the full story here: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/565242-nearly-one-quarter-of-white-evangelicals-refuse-covid-19-vaccine-study