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Sharp learning curve for bosses as WFH goes global

Two weeks into the coronavirus lockdown and Sergei Holmeckis, a boss at Deutsche Telekom’s Czech operations in the city of Brno, was frustrated with staff video calls. His team didn’t like turning on their cameras and the discussion was stilted. “I started to show them my cat,” Holmeckis said. “It showed the human side of me more and really changed the perception. It got people to switch on their cameras and be more engaged.” Such tactics obviously won’t appeal to everyone. But they do show how the world’s biggest experiment in working from home is forcing managers to reassess their methods - especially as surveys predict higher levels of remote working post-pandemic.

Reuters UK - June 18, 2020

View the full story here: https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-wfh/sharp-learning-curve-for-bosses-as-wfh-goes-global-idUKKBN23P1DW