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As Queensland's COVID-19 vaccine mandates ease in social settings, they still apply to many workers

In Queensland, changes from 14 April will allow unvaccinated people to go to restaurants, clubs, museums, and stadiums. Vaccine mandates will remain for the health sector, prisons, schools and childcare centres. According to Acting Premier Cameron Dick there is not going to be any move made to get rid of vaccine mandates entirely at this stage. 'We will take the advice of the Chief Health Officer and of course that's also the agreed position I understand it nationally,' he said. Infectious diseases physician Dr Paul Griffin said easing the mandates in certain settings makes sense.

ABC.Net.au - April 7, 2022

View the full story here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-07/covid-19-vaccine-mandates-ms-exemptions-workers/100970846