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Coronavirus: Homes for the elderly find ways to avoid lockdown

The doors are still open at the Lore Malsch Protestant care home in Munich, albeit to the surprise of some visitors. 'Now we're getting phone calls — lots of calls,' says the home's manager, Jan Steinbach. People are asking whether they are still allowed to visit loved ones as the nationwide caseload in Germany ticks upwards. Whether to limit visitors during the pandemic is a real quandary, with no correct answers for care homes. Let visitors in, and risk bringing COVID-19 into a facility full of at-risk people. Keep them out, and deny residents contact with their loved ones, potentially damaging their health through isolation itself.

DW (English) - October 20, 2020

View the full story here: https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-homes-for-the-elderly-find-ways-to-avoid-lockdown/a-55331783