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CDC Warns of Second Wave Of Flu

Flu is a tough bug says, Lynnette Brammer head of the U.S. CDC's domestic influenza surveillance team. She says, 'You're constantly chasing a moving target.' She says we've had a wave of H1 activity and now we are seeing H3. She says, 'there's probably weeks and weeks of flu season to come.' Vaccines are still the best way to prevent both strains of the flu. This year's vaccine is 62 percent effective against H1N1 and 44 percent effective against H3N2, according to the CDC. While this year has been relatively mild we still have had about 22 thousand flu-related deaths.

WSB Radio - February 26, 2019

View the full story here: https://www.wsbradio.com/news/local/cdc-warns-second-wave-flu/Bn0e3N0DELoai6DwATRW3H/