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Vaccine shortages: Everyday life in pharmacies

In the past year alone in Germany, manufacturers reported supply bottlenecks for 45 different vaccines, as data from the Paul Ehrlich Institute ( PEI ) shows. The German Federal Agency for Vaccines and Medicinal Products has been conducting statistics since autumn 2015 - excluding influenza vaccinations. In the past year, pharmacies sold about 36.4 million vaccine doses on statutory health insurance - about 3 percent more than in the previous year, as figures from the German Drug Testing Institute show. The costs rose from around 1.2 to around 1.3 billion euros. The largest increases were in TBE, influenza and meningococcal vaccines.

Pharmazeutische-Zeitung.de - April 23, 2019

View the full story here: https://www.pharmazeutische-zeitung.de/alltag-in-apotheken/