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All details about ageing, vaccination and public spending up for discussion

Massimiliano Di Domenico , head of institutional relations and communication for GSK Italia. 'We believe that an aging population with an increased life expectancy, must be supported by an improvement in the quality of life across these sections of the population'. Consequently vaccinations have become increasingly important, precisely for the elderly population, as a main way to prevent serious diseases. 'In this context - commented Di Domenico - our company mission 'do more, feel better, live longer', has pushed us into organizing a meeting with representatives of the highest level of the political-institutional world, of civil society, of both the entrepreneurial and journalistic world - in order to discuss in a proactive and constructive manner - the importance of disease prevention in adulthood and, within this notion, the fundamental role of vaccination as an effective tool of primary prevention in these most advanced age groups '.

Formiche.net - December 17, 2017

View the full story here: http://formiche.net/2017/12/17/tutti-i-dettagli-su-vaccini-invecchiamento-e-spesa-pubblica/