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New push for one jab to prevent cancer and other deadly conditions

The new Perth Children’s Hospital will house international researchers who believe they can develop single vaccines for various diseases. It’s the first research hub outside of North America, for scientists from the Human Vaccines Project. The CEO of Human Vaccines Project, Dr Wayne C Koff, says the new centre adds significant scientific capacity to the project. “All people including the most vulnerable will benefit from the breakthroughs realised by decoding the human immune system,” Dr Koff said. “Together we will enhance scientific efforts towards better vaccines and immunotherapy including a universal flu vaccine,” he said.

9news.com.au - June 12, 2018

View the full story here: http://www.9news.com.au/national/2018/06/12/14/21/new-push-for-one-jab-to-prevent-cancer-and-other-deadly-conditions